There are very few instant hot chocolate mixes I enjoy. l usually find them way too sweet and making hot chocolate without a mix really does not take that much longer. I felt like adding a fun twist to my usual hot chocolate and it was surprisingly amazing! It is like an orange chocolate bar in liquid form! Cheers to a yummy new creation and hopefully the last of winter!
Serves 4 fans
The Players:
3 cups of milk
1/2 cup of semi-sweet and bitter sweet chocolate*
A splash or two of cream (optional)
4-5 orange rinds
15-20 chocolate mint leaves**
The Game Plan:
Heat milk, cream, and orange rinds on medium high heat.

Bring it to almost a boil. Meanwhile place mint leaves in each mug and set a few aside for garnishing.
Remove orange rinds. Taste and adjust to your liking. Divide the hot chocolate between the four cups.
Garnish with chocolate mint and enjoy :)
* Use a good high quality chocolate, ex: ghiradelli. It will really make a difference in taste.
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